NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING FORT CALHOUN DRAINAGE DISTRICT Fort Calhoun Drainage District of Washington County, Nebraska, hereby gives notice to all owners of land within the boundaries of said District …


NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING FORT CALHOUN DRAINAGE DISTRICT Fort Calhoun Drainage District of Washington County, Nebraska, hereby gives notice to all owners of land within the boundaries of said District and to all other persons interested that a public meeting will be held at the Fort Calhoun City Hall, 110 South 14th Street, Fort Calhoun, Washington County, Nebraska, on Tuesday, the 24th day of September, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. The Agenda, which shall be kept continually current, shall be readily available for public inspection at the Fort Calhoun City Hall during normal business hours. The Agenda may be modified at such meeting only to include items of an emergency nature. Anyone requiring special accommodations or assistance because of visual or hearing impairment should contact the District Secretary not less than 5 days prior to the meeting. Larry Stratbucker, Secretary Ft. Calhoun Drainage District ZNEZ PT 09-17-24