Regular August 2024 Meeting Monday, August 12, 2024 7:00 PM High School Media Center as advertised in the Enterprise/Pilot Tribune and ROUTINE BUSINESS -Call to Order: The …


Regular August 2024 Meeting Monday, August 12, 2024 7:00 PM High School Media Center as advertised in the Enterprise/Pilot Tribune and ROUTINE BUSINESS -Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM. There were 4 administrators and 2 visitors present. -Excused Absences: Moved that the absence of Mike Bonacci be excused. This motion, made by Shaner and seconded by Kelly, Passed. Mike Bonacci: Absent, Josh Christensen: Yea, Cassie Kelly: Yea, Amanda Schrum: Yea, Kelli Shaner: Yea, Ted Welchert: Yea -Note Nebraska Open Meeting Laws: So noted. -Roll Call: Mike Bonacci-Absent; Josh Christensen-Present; Cassie Kelly-Present; Amanda Schrum-Present; Kelli Shaner-Present; Ted Welchert-Present -Approval of Agenda: Moved that the agenda be approved as presented. This motion, made by Kelly and seconded by Shaner, Passed. Josh Christensen: Yea, Cassie Kelly: Yea, Amanda Schrum: Yea, Kelli Shaner: Yea, Ted Welchert: Yea REGULAR AGENDA -Public Participation: No one asked to address the board. 1 more visitor arrived. -Approval of August Claims: Moved that the claims for August be approved in the amount of $313,454.36 from the General Fund, $150,000.00 from the Building Fund and $4,233.00 from Savings and Depreciation. This motion, made by Christensen and seconded by Shaner, Passed. Josh Christensen: Yea, Cassie Kelly: Yea, Amanda Schrum: Yea, Kelli Shaner: Yea, Ted Welchert: Yea. Mr. Green and Cassie Kelly went through the bills prior to the meeting. In addition to the regular, normal claims Mr. Green explained the charges for vehicle maintenance, OPPD, and the extra lease payment for the elementary gym. -Abe's Trash Company: Moved that the claim from Abe's Trash Company be approved in the amount of $1,977.50. This motion, made by Kelly and seconded by Schrum, Passed. Josh Christensen: Abstain, Cassie Kelly: Yea, Amanda Schrum: Yea, Kelli Shaner: Yea, Ted Welchert: Yea -Consent Agenda: Moved that the Consent Agenda be approved as presented. This motion, made by Shaner and seconded by Christensen, Passed. Josh Christensen: Yea, Cassie Kelly: Yea, Amanda Schrum: Yea, Kelli Shaner: Yea, Ted Welchert: Yea. Mr. Green informed the board the new bus was being built and should arrive by the end of October. -Standing Committee Reports: Both committees met. Finance-Amanda Schrum reported on the Wrestling Building, an update on the 2023-24 budget, recommending moving ahead with purchases from the current year’s budget including an additional gym payment, the 2024-25 budget, and the revised classified salary schedule. They also discussed the new Title IX requirements passed by the Unicameral, and the upcoming Area Membership meeting. Kelli Shaner reported that the American Civics discussed the same topics and were in agreement to recommend. August is the meeting where the board discusses the upcoming budget. Cassie Kelly, Ted Welchert and Kelli Shaner were recognized as members of the American Civics Committee. -Classified Staff Salary Schedule: Moved that the Classified Staff Salary Schedule be approved as presented. This motion, made by Christensen and seconded by Kelly, Passed. Kelli Shaner: Abstain (With Conflict), Josh Christensen: Yea, Cassie Kelly: Yea, Amanda Schrum: Yea, Ted Welchert: Yea. Mr. Green noted the only change was for substitute salaries. -Resolution to Establish a Line of Credit: Moved that the board of education pass Resolution 2024-2 to authorize the administration to secure a line of credit in the amount of $450,000.00. The board passes a resolution which authorizes a line of credit with WCB in the event it is needed during the year. The amount of $450,000 is what has been secured for several years. This motion, made by Christensen and seconded by Schrum, Passed. Josh Christensen: Yea, Cassie Kelly: Yea, Amanda Schrum: Yea, Kelli Shaner: Yea, Ted Welchert: Yea. This is a cash flow safety net and no interest is charged unless it is used. We have never had to use it but there are unknowns in the future of property tax. -Board Member Reports: Cassie Kelly stated her kids are ready for school; Kelli Shaner reported that the Foundation is gearing up for functions during Homecoming including a golf tourney. Josh is excited for school after the first day, and Amanda is ready to get kids’ schedules in place and looking forward to Fall sports. She reminded all members that the September meeting is the Budget Hearing/Meeting and there needs to be a quorum present. -Administrator Reports: Dr. Wemhoff-Reported on Administrator Days and working with NDE and collegues from across the state; the number of staff who have been trained and certified in CPR and AED; training continuing with ESU on the multi-tier system of support (MTSS) which is in its 4th and last year and Marzano; having 2 outside counselors who will be working with our students as part of our Mental Health plan and the new area for them to work; upcoming IXL training to know how to best use the program; 7th grade orientation; great having staff back in the building, and the topics that will be covered with all students on the first day of school. He thanked the board for all they do for the schools. Mrs. Horstman reported on the theme for the year, the upcoming Back to School Night, grades K-6 going through “expectation stations” on the first day, and building relationships with staff in one on one meetings in July. Ben Wimmer was highlighted for being interviewed by Special Olympics, Nebraska. She named the new staff in her building including the new nurse just hired today. Professional development will also be ongoing at the elementary. She too attended Administrator Days. Elementary staff will gather to work on goals for the year and preschool paras will be attending a Paraprofessional Bootcamp in the coming months to fulfill requirements for the next two years. Mr. Schleifer reported on scheduling 2024-25 activities and athletics, having the gym floors refinished, and new lights in all the gyms. He thanked the coaches for their work in the summer conditioning, camps and skills they have shared with so many of our students. Parents Night will now be Senior Night and NIL is a real thing in high schools so parents and coaches will have to be vigilant and know the legalities where this money is concerned. He also noted upcoming important dates through October including Homecoming on September 13th and Senior Night on October 18th that will be followed by a fireworks show. -Superintendent Report: Mr. Green reported on Board Goals and asked members to check calendars for the budget workshop and year wrap-up on 8/26. The budget will be built with the amounts that have been discussed in committees. Committees will meet on the 21st and 22nd with valuations being released on 8/20 so calculations can be finished. He reminded the board about the Area Membership meeting, and that the budget is due to the state by 9/30. The property tax discussions in the special session will not go into effect for 24-25 with outcomes still unsure for future years. With our med aid resigning, the position was advertised and two candidates were interviewed. Kylie Points was hired. This position plays a big part in the operation of the building. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the board adjourned at 7:33. ZNEZ PT O8-27-24