Regular September 2024 Board of Education Meeting Monday, September 9, 2024 7:00 PM as advertised in the Pilot-Tribune/Enterprise High School Media Center and on REGULAR …


Regular September 2024 Board of Education Meeting Monday, September 9, 2024 7:00 PM as advertised in the Pilot-Tribune/Enterprise High School Media Center and on REGULAR SEPTEMBER BOARD MEETING AGENDA -Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM. There were 4 administrators and 2 visitors present. -Roll Call: Mike Bonacci-Present, Josh Christensen-Present, Cassie Kelly-Present, Amanda Schrum-Present, Kelli Shaner-Absent Excused, Ted Welchert-Present. 4 more visitors arrived. -Excused Absences: Moved that the absence of Kelli Shaner be excused. This motion, made by Schrum and seconded by Christensen, Passed. Mike Bonacci: Yea, Josh Christensen: Yea, Cassie Kelly: Yea, Amanda Schrum: Yea, Ted Welchert: Yea. -Note Nebraska Open Meeting Laws: So noted -Approval of Agenda: Moved that the agenda be approved as presented. This motion, made by Kelly and seconded by Bonacci, Passed. Mike Bonacci: Yea, Josh Christensen: Yea, Cassie Kelly: Yea, Amanda Schrum: Yea, Ted Welchert: Yea. -Public Participation: No one asked to address the board. -Claims for September September Claims: Moved that the claims for September be approved in the amount of $295,357.77 from the General Fund and $3,286.44 from Savings and Depreciation. This motion, made by Christensen and seconded by Bonacci, Passed. Mike Bonacci: Yea, Josh Christensen: Yea, Cassie Kelly: Yea, Amanda Schrum: Yea, Ted Welchert: Yea. Mr. Green and Cassie Kelly have gone through the bills and he explained the charges from Arbor Family, Dunham Hardwood, 1st National Bank for supplies, Hillyard for gym resurfacing next summer, AND ALICAP for all the district’s insurances. The claim for periodicals is to be in compliance with the NDE Rule 10. There were also charges for bus repair/maintenance and staff support from the Upper Room. Mike Bonacci asked if the district still gets refund credits from ALICAP for benefits not used and it does. -Claim from Abe's Trash Service: Moved that the Consent Agenda be approved as presented. This motion, made by Kelly and seconded by Bonacci, Passed. Josh Christensen: Abstain (With Conflict), Mike Bonacci: Yea, Cassie Kelly: Yea, Amanda Schrum: Yea, Ted Welchert: Yea. -Consent Agenda: The Consent Agenda includes: Approval of the Minutes, Approval of the Treasurer's Report, Approval of the Control Budget, Approval of the Food Service Report, Approval of the Transportation Report, Approval of the Receipts Report. This motion, made by Christensen and seconded by Kelly, Passed. Mike Bonacci: Yea, Josh Christensen: Yea, Cassie Kelly: Yea, Amanda Schrum: Yea, Ted Welchert: Yea. -Standing Committee Reports: No committees met. -Budget Motions •General Fund Budget: The board will move that the General Fund Budget for the 2024-25 school year be set at $13,636,255.00 with a property tax requirement of $5,740,897.00 resulting in a tax rate of 0.860000. This motion, made by Christensen and seconded by Schrum, Passed. Mike Bonacci: Yea, Josh Christensen: Yea, Cassie Kelly: Yea, Amanda Schrum: Yea, Ted Welchert: Yea. Mr. Green said the General Fund budget will be 86¢ a decrease of 9¢. •Special Building Fund Budget: The board will move that the Special Building Fund Budget for the 2024-25 school year be set at $1,565,244.94 with a property tax asking of $667,546.00 resulting in a tax rate of 0.100000. This motion made by Bonacci and seconded by Christensen, Passed. Mike Bonacci: Yea, Josh Christensen: Yea, Cassie Kelly: Yea, Amanda Schrum: Yea, Ted Welchert: Yea. •Bond Fund Budget: The board will move that the Bond Fund Budget for the 2024-25 school year be set at $1,800,000.00 with a property tax asking of $834,432.00 resulting in a tax rate of 0.125000. This motion, made by Kelly and seconded by Christensen, Passed. Mike Bonacci: Yea, Josh Christensen: Yea, Cassie Kelly: Yea, Amanda Schrum: Yea, Ted Welchert: Yea. This is the big bond for the high school and is a .5¢ decrease from last year. •Qualified Capital Purpose Fund: Moved that the Qualified Capitol Purpose Fund Budget for the 2024-25 school year be set at $330,000.00 with a property tax asking of $166,887.00 resulting in a tax rate of 0.025000. This motion, made by Christensen and seconded by Kelly, Passed. Mike Bonacci: Yea, Josh Christensen: Yea, Cassie Kelly: Yea, Amanda Schrum: Yea, Ted Welchert: Yea. This is the second bond tied to the elementary. -SET THE PROPERTY TAX REQUESTS RESOLUTION SETTING PROPERTY TAX REQUESTS: Motion to adopt Resolution #2025- 01: Moved that the board of education pass Resolution 2025-01 Setting the Property Tax Request- WHEREAS, Nebraska Revised Statute 77-1632 and 77-1633 provides that the Governing Body of Fort Calhoun Community Schools passes by a majority vote a resolution or ordinance setting the tax request; and WHEREAS, a special public hearing was held as required by law to hear and consider comments concerning the property tax request; NOW THEREFORE, the Governing Body of Fort Calhoun Community Schools resolves that: 1. The 2024 property tax request be set at: General Fund: $5,740,897.00, Bond Fund: $834,432.00, Special Building Fund: $667,547.00, Qualified Capital Purpose Fund: $166,887.00. 2. The total assessed value of property differs from last year's total assessed value by 6.95 percent. 3. The tax rate which would levy the same amount of property taxes as last year, when multiplied by the new total assessed value of property would be 1.126736 per $100 of assessed value. 4. Fort Calhoun Community Schools proposes to adopt a property tax request that will cause its tax rate to be 1.11 per $100 of assessed value. 5. Based on the proposed property tax request and changes in other revenue, the total operating budget of Fort Calhoun Community Schools will increase last year's budget by 3.32 percent. 6. A copy of this resolution be certified and forwarded to the County Clerk on or before October 15, 2024. Dated this 9th day of September, 2024. This motion, made by Christensen and seconded by Schrum, Passed. Mike Bonacci: Yea, Josh Christensen: Yea, Cassie Kelly: Yea, Amanda Schrum: Yea, Ted Welchert: Yea -Board Member Reports: Mike Bonacci said it is nine years in a row that valuation is up and the levy is lower. He commended the good work going into this for students, staff, and our curriculum. Amanda Schrum said it was great work on the budget, she is looking forward to Homecoming, and getting the kids in the “swing of things”. She also wanted to invite all to participate in the elementary Walk-a-thon. -Administrator Reports: Mr. Schleifer-Reported on Fall sports and activities including One-Act auditions. September is a busy month with Homecoming, home meets, parents’ nights, Unified Football, the Pioneer Classic Volleyball tourney and the upcoming fireworks show after the football game on October 18th. He is excited to continue our Homecoming traditions and include new activities. He thanked Dr. Wemhoff for all he does in arranging this and thanked Mrs. Horstman for volunteering for the dunk tank. Dr. Wemhoff-Reported on Fall NSCAS testing for grades 7-8; using ESU#3 for MTSS commenting this is our last year with them but will continue the program for technology in the classroom and AI; a demonstration on how to better use IXL to maximize it; dates for the upcoming ACT and PACT which is now online for grades 8 and 10; ordering class rings and graduation gear; the Homecoming parade, coronation and dance; and upcoming Parent-Teacher conferences in October. All students will have an assembly in conjunction with our mental health grant, and working with staff for activities to do with students in October which is National Bullying Prevention Month. Mrs. Horstman-Reported on recognizing student achievements with “Pioneers of the Week” who will be celebrated around the schools; Homecoming activities, theme days and parade geared around their Disney theme; the upcoming Walk-a-Thon, and that Popsicles with the Principal was a success in spite of the rain. She also spoke about professional development that has and will happen for teachers and paras; that Patty Appel is a new crossing guard in the mornings; and that NWEA, NSCAS and Dibels testing are complete. Her attendance at crisis prevention training was “eye opening” -Superintendent Report: Included Board Goals, Committee on American Civics needing a public meeting to meet standards, a Wrestling Building Update and a look at the upcoming calendar. The American Civics meeting will include a tour of facilities as mandated. Inspection went well on the wrestling building but now there is a pause for the steel fabrication. The Area Membership meeting will not be in LaVista this year but in Ak-sar-ben Village, there will be 2 new, incoming board members who will be included in the state conference, and he met with the team on our continuous improvement process including doing board interviews in November. ADJOURN There being no further business the president adjourned the meeting at 7:27PM. ZNEZ ENT 09-13-24