Fort Calhoun Board Retreat Workshop Special Meeting July 8th, 2024 Site: Fort Calhoun Jr/Sr High, Regular Board Meeting Area Time: 2:00 Call the Meeting to Order Present: Ted Welchert, Cassie Kelly, …


Fort Calhoun Board Retreat Workshop Special Meeting July 8th, 2024 Site: Fort Calhoun Jr/Sr High, Regular Board Meeting Area Time: 2:00 Call the Meeting to Order Present: Ted Welchert, Cassie Kelly, Mike Bonacci, Kelli Shaner, Josh Christensen, Amanda Schrum, Jerry Green, Nicholas Wemhoff, Sarah Horstman, Jamie Schleifer, Paul Wilson, Miranda Adams 1. Technology Update – Paul Wilson a. Discussed Software system changes i. We will beoving from eFinance to Tyler School ERP and Frontline b. Review of E-Rate Projects completed since 2018 and anticipated through 2025 c. There is a planned chromebook replacement for 7th-12th grade in 2025. Replacement of the chromebooks occurs on a regular cycle. d. Discussion of student access to AI. Soon students will have AI such as ChatGPT integrated into phones and available to them. This will need to be an ongoing discussion throughout the school year. 2. Special Education Update – Miranda Adams a. Discussed changes to SPED Staffing b. Special Educaiton Caseloads and number of students being provided IEP services going into next year c. Additional supports have been put into place at both the Elementary and High School to slow the growth of special education numbers. 3. Mr. Green a. Title IX Update i. With changes to Title IX we have made updates to our policies with guidance from KSB School Law. ii. Dr. Wehoff is the new Title IX point of contact. Title IX reports will then be handed off to the appropriate admin investigator/decision maker depending on the complaint. b. Discussed changes to student fees regarding the separation of fees for cheer and dance. c. We are still waiting to hear back regarding the costs of lunch for next school year. 4. High School Facility Tour 5. Budget Update – Mr. Green a. Reviewed the 23-24 Budget including projected and actual expenditures. b. Reviewed the 23-24 sources of funding including local, federal, and non revenue sources of funding. c. Reviewed the current proposed budget and projected expenditures for 24-25. Budget increases include increases to salary and benefits. i. Current proposed budget for 24-25 increases 0.6 percent over the 23-24 budget. ii. Discussed potential raise of $1 per hour to pay for paras, custodial, and clerical staff. 1. This would increase the 24-25 budget increase to 1.1 percent. d. Utilization of excess funds from the 23-24 school year will be discussed as the budget is finalized. e. Discussion of sub pay i. Blair and Yutan are planning an increase this year. ii. Discussed an increase to a daily rate of $175 and a $200 for long term subs. iii. Discussed promoting sub programs so that we can gain additional subs. 6. Review Board Goals from 2023-2024 a. Mr. Green reviewed the board goals i. Goal 1 - Discuss developing or modifying our current technology goal by adding “..into the future” to reflect our desire to address the impact of changes in technology. ii. Goals 2 through 4 were developed last year and continue to be applicable for another year. These goals will remain the same with no changes. 7. Review Mission Statement a. The mission statement was reviewed and it was determined that the mission statement was still applicable and will stay the same. 8. Teacher Evaluation Update: Mrs. Horstman, Dr. Wemhoff a. Dr. Wemhoff reviewed high school teacher evaluation numbers. b. Mrs. Horstman reviewed the number of elementary teachers that were evaluated by Mr. Wagner for the 23-24 year as well as the number that she plans to evaluate during the 24-25 school year. i. For tenured staff we are required to complete a formal evaluation every 5 years. 9. Academic Update: Mrs. Horstman, Dr. Wemhoff a. Dr. Wemhoff reviewed trending ACT data as well as NSCAS testing data for 7th and 8th grade. b. Mrs. Horstman reviewed 23-24 NWEA scores for Kindergarten through 2nd Grade, 23-24 NSCAS data for grades 3 through 6, and 23-24 Dibels data for grades K through 6. c. Mrs. Horstman reviewed behavior data including detentions, powerschool logs, and bus write-ups. d. For tenured staff we are required to complete a formal evaluation every 5 years. 10. Athletic Budget Update: Mr. Schleifer a. Mr. Schleifer discussed athletic budget items for the 24-23 school year including an additional athletic trainer for home sporting events, equipment, uniforms, fees, apps, and miscellaneous expenses. i. Neptune/Gametime Music and HUDL are split with the Booster Club. 11. Wrestling Building Update a. Reviewed a building cost proposal from Ben Gossman b. Reviewed a blueprint of the current building and the proposed building. c. Discussed the building fund in the current budget and next year's budget in relation to the wrestling building update. d. Discussed the option to do the building all at one time or to build in phases. e. Discussed redoing the concession stand as another future project that would come out of the building fund f. Discussed the possibility of reopening the project for additional bids. g. Received clarification that the proposal from Ben Gossman would include extending the walking path. 12. Enrollment Numbers: Mr. Green a. Mr. Green provided the board with enrollment numbers 13. Cell Phone Policy – the Future a. Discussed the possibility of limiting cell phone access at school between the hours of 8:00am and 3:10pm. This will be an ongoing discussion. ZNEZ ENT 07-19-24