Washington County Board of Equalization The Board of Equalization of Wash Co, Nebr, met in at 10:00 AM. on Wed, 7/10/24 in the Supervisor’s meeting room at the Courthouse in Blair, Nebraska. …


Washington County Board of Equalization The Board of Equalization of Wash Co, Nebr, met in at 10:00 AM. on Wed, 7/10/24 in the Supervisor’s meeting room at the Courthouse in Blair, Nebraska. Present: Vice Chairman Bob Frahm, Co Board Members: Jon Stewart, Kevin Barnhill, Lisa Kramer, and Steven Kruger. Absent: Chairman Steve Dethlefs and Jay Anderson. Also present, Co Clk Barb Sullivan, Co Assr Robin Andreasen, and Co Reviewer Randy Campbell. Board unanimously approved the agenda. Board voted unanimously to appoint Steve Kruger as Chairperson for the meeting starting at 1 PM as Frahm will be absent. Property Valuation Protests: Julia Hindmarsh (890000308). Owner was present and provided information. Board unanimously concurred with the Referee & Assr’s recommendation to value at $728,305. Julia Hindmarsh (890063938). Board unanimously concurred with the Referee & Assr’s recommendation to value at $475. Daniel & Linda Douglas (890000847). Owner had withdrawn protest. Board unanimously concurred with the Referee & Assr’s recommendation to value at $769,390. Jette Hogenmiller (890023170). Owner was present. Board voted unanimously not to concur with the Referee & Assr’s recommendation and to set the value at $402,785. Amy Von Behren (890025529). Owner was not present. Board unanimously concurred with the Referee & Assr’s recommendation to value at $522,370. Dale Wimer (890036393). Owner was not present. Board unanimously concurred with the Referee & Assr’s recommendation to value at $62,350. Property Valuation Protests with Waivers: James Rodis III (890059374). Board unanimously concurred with the Referee & Assr’s recommendation to value at $549,620. Randy Lambert (890084399). Board unanimously concurred with the Referee & Assr’s recommendation to value at $757,045. Eric Benson (890065044). Board unanimously concurred with the Referee & Assr’s recommendation to value at $433,010. Mark Wehner II (890087402). Board unanimously concurred with the Referee & Assr’s recommendation to value at $739,900. Michael Lau (890035049). Board unanimously concurred with the Referee & Assr’s recommendation to value at $6,360. Kevin Penrod (890056994). Board unanimously concurred with the Referee & Assr’s recommendation to value at $728,305. Brian & Kim Lukasiewcz (890007623). Board unanimously concurred with the Referee & Assr’s recommendation to value at $418,080. Michael Diehm (890086425). Board unanimously concurred with Referee & Assr’s recommendation to value at $847,490. OAW Group LLC (890032963). Board unanimously concurred with the Referee & Assr’s recommendation to value at $243,990. Karen Clements (890043897). Board unanimously concurred with the Referee & Assr’s recommendation to value at $154,110. Christopher Schuler (890086741). Board unanimously concurred with the Referee & Assr’s recommendation to value at $530,000. Larry Hansen (890029050). Board unanimously concurred with the Referee & Assr’s recommendation to value at $278,455. Rita Larsen (890033110). Board unanimously concurred with the Referee & Assr’s recommendation to value at $730,300. Heath Petzoldt (890019103). Board unanimously concurred with the Referee & Assr’s recommendation to value at $333,840. David Buntain (890086840). Board unanimously concurred with the Referee & Assr’s recommendation to value at $610,990. Phil White (890088714). Board unanimously concurred with the Referee & Assr’s recommendation to value at $933,000. David & Jeramie Ryan (890013111). Board unanimously concurred with the Referee & Assr’s recommendation to value at $266,490. Board voted unanimously to un-table Property Valuation Protest for River Ridge LLC (890002212). Board unanimously concurred with the Referee & Assr’s recommendation to value at $122,715. Destroyed Real Property: Julie & David Walsh (890006699). Owner was present via phone call. Board unanimously denied reassessment as it didn’t meet the 20% threshold. Brenda Driskell (890060879). Owner was present via call. Board unanimously approved reassessment to $212,800. Londo Auch (890005257). Owner was not present. Board voted unanimously to table until more information is provided by the property owner. Keith & Kristin Gregerson (890005201). Board unanimously approved reassessment to $109,020. Meeting adjourned at 2:22 PM. Bob Frahm, Vice Chairman, Attest Barb Sullivan, County Clerk. A complete text of the minutes are on file in the office of the County Clerk, 1555 Colfax St, Blair and are available for public inspection during regular business hours, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday. ZNEZ ENT 07-19-24