Washington County Board of Equalization The Board of Equalization of Wash Co, Nebr, met in at 10:00 AM. on Wed, 7/17/24 in the Supervisor’s meeting room at the Courthouse in Blair, Nebraska. …


Washington County Board of Equalization The Board of Equalization of Wash Co, Nebr, met in at 10:00 AM. on Wed, 7/17/24 in the Supervisor’s meeting room at the Courthouse in Blair, Nebraska. Present: Vice Chairman Bob Frahm, Co Board Members: Jon Stewart, Kevin Barnhill, Lisa Kramer, and Steven Kruger. Absent: Chairman Steve Dethlefs and Jay Anderson. Also present, Co Clk Barb Sullivan, Co Assr Robin Andreasen, and Dpty Assr Lacy Johnson. Board unanimously approved the agenda and the minutes of the 7/9 and 7/10/24 meetings. Property Valuation Protests: Rennea Brown (890011221). Owner was present. Board unanimously concurred with the Referee & Assr to value at $114,390. Rennea Brown (890011151). Board unanimously concurred with Referee & Assr to value at $336,560. Michael Albrecht (890056301). Board unanimously concurred with the Referee & Assr to value at $156,605. KJK Investments LTD Partnership (890022092). Board unanimously concurred with the Referee & Assr to value at $208,760. KJK Investments LTD Partnership (890088945). Board unanimously concurred with the Referee & Assr to value at $301,465. KJK Investments LTD Partnership (890088946). Board unanimously concluded with the Referee & Assr to value at $250,800. KJK Investments LTD Partnership (890088947). Board unanimously concluded with the Referee & Assr to value at $200,135. KJK Investments LTD Partnership (890088948). Board unanimously concluded with the Referee & Assr to value at $157,875. Robert Chapin (890087334). Board unanimously concurred with the Referee & Assr to value at $877,145. Luke Hazuka (890022932). Board unanimously concurred with the Referee & Assr to value at $451,155. Cole Baldwin (890087638). Owner was present. Board voted unanimously not to concur with the Referee & Assr and adjust the value to $602,780. Carter Aid LLC (890018466). Board unanimously concurred with the Referee & Assr to value at $923,195. Randy Prine (890088566). Owner was present. Board unanimously concurred with the Referee & Assr to value at $338,645. William Lienemann (890012551). Board unanimously concurred with the Referee & Assr to value at $529,570. Amy McCarthy (890088768). Owner representative was present. Board unanimously concurred with the Referee & Assr to value at $691,300. Steve Weber (890088769). Owner was present. Board unanimously concurred with the Referee & Assr to value at $706,915. Quintin Martin (890017570). Board unanimously concurred with the Referee & Assr to value at $550,695. City of Blair (890089237). Representative was present. Board voted unanimously to table until Co Atty can advise. City of Blair (890019537). Board voted unanimously to table until Co Atty can advise. Evonik Corp (890085652). Board voted unanimously to table until 7/22/24 meeting. Benji Thompkins, Walmart (890019558). Owner was present. Board unanimously concurred with the Referee & Assr to value at $9,881,835. Matt Greve (890082460). Board unanimously concurred with the Referee & Assr to value at $468,650. Steven & Denise Edie (890087372). Board unanimously concurred with the Referee & Assr to value at $681,800. Dale Skeen (890057435). Board unanimously concurred with the Referee & Assr to value at $528,790. Sandra Kucera (890009247). Owners were present. Board unanimously concurred with the Referee & Assr to value at $301,515. Sandra Kucera (890082824). Board unanimously concurred with the Referee & Assr to value at $46,310. Amy Carolus, Angels Share (890088534). Board unanimously concurred with the Referee & Assr to value at $1,251,350. Amy Carolus, Angels Share (890089116). Board unanimously concurred with the Referee & Assr to value at $2,521,015. Property Valuation Protests with Waivers: William Martin (890011207). Board unanimously concurred with the Referee & Assr to value at $267,120. Catherine Pickering (890007742). Board unanimously concurred with the Referee & Assr to value at $718,605. Robert Hokanson (890061803). Board unanimously concurred with the Referee & Assr to value at $164,525. Gary Fox (890006818). Board voted unanimously to table until 7/23/24 meeting. Tyrel Hernes (890055426). Board unanimously concurred with the Referee & Assr to value at $147,205. Mark Amdor (890007637). Board unanimously concurred with the Referee & Assr to value at $265,525. John & Kara Bachman (890087324). Board unanimously concurred with the Referee & Assr to value at $931,035. Brian & Jennifer Klausen (890040964) Board unanimously concurred with the Referee & Assr to value at $941,015. Katherine & Cory Ray (890086385). Board unanimously concurred with the Referee & Assr to value at $500,310. William Stratbucker (890011914). Board unanimously concurred with the Referee & Assr to value at $96,755. Destroyed Real Property: Anthoney Roehr (890072996). Owner was present but did not have enough information to show that damages met the minimum threshold of 20%. Board voted unanimously to deny reassessment. Board voted unanimously to un-table report from Lando Auch (890005257). Owner was present. Board voted unanimously to approve reassessment to $487,460. Thomas Bequette (890005229). Board voted unanimously to approve reassessment to $88,940. Thomas Bequette (890080955). Board voted unanimously to approve reassessment to $105,790. Thomas Bequette (890080962). Board voted unanimously to approve reassessment to $44,575. Gary Fox (890006818). Board voted unanimously to table reassessment until more information is available. Nate Kempcke (890030023). Owner was present and provided information. Board voted unanimously to approve reassessment to $48,550. Brian Shald (890002730). Owner was present and provided information. Board voted unanimously to approve reassessment to $275,865. Meeting adjourned at 3:43 PM. Bob Frahm, Vice Chairman, Attest Barb Sullivan, County Clerk. A complete text of the minutes are on file in the office of the County Clerk, 1555 Colfax St, Blair and are available for public inspection during regular business hours, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday. ZNEZ PT 07-23-24